Wednesday, July 3, 2013

How is it already July?

We have been BUSY! Our calendar is so full these days that we passed through the month of June in the blink of an eye!  We attended two of the four weddings we have this summer and enjoyed every minute of them!  There is something so wonderful about watching two people who are meant to be together say "I do" in front of all of their loved ones!  Both weddings were beautiful and the brides looked gorgeous!  I also successfully gave my first (and probably only) maid of honor speech without bawling like a baby or passing out.  Congrats to both couples and we cannot wait to see what is in store for them... bring on the babies!

Congrats, Mr. and Mrs B!  Loved being a part of your special day!

Congrats, K and K!  Your wedding was beautiful!

Now that Natalie is bigger, we can go to the pool more often. As of today she finally put her entire body in the water!  It took her two years, but I think she has finally discovered that the pool is more fun if you get in the water (instead of sitting on the edge with your toes in the water).  Matthew just loves going and would go every day if we had the time!  Most of the kiddos that I watch are older these days, so I am able to do water days at the pool when my numbers are low!  I really enjoy loading up the wagon and letting the children have fun with each other in a new environment.  Watching them play reminds you of how long Summer used to last when you were little and how much you looked forward to it.

Right now life is good.  Mr. Sharktank is not studying as much, and he has more time to spend with us.  The summer may be flying by, but I am pretty sure we are enjoying it as much as we can.  We are looking forward to the weekend, as it is the Fourth of July and we will be spending with our neighbors ("The A Team" and "The Bushwacks").  Our kids will surely have a good time together and we cannot beat temperatures in the low 80's for Missouri weather this time of year!