My dear friend, Sara, met me at our house in the morning and we told Mr. Sharktank that we were going to pick up photo props for her photography business (Sara Beth Photography... you can find her on Facebook). I had to grip the steering wheel the entire drive to the ultrasound location, since my hands were shaking so bad. I am the type of mom who gets extremely nervous before every ultrasound. Knowing there is a life inside of me, knowing how the little one should be growing, and being aware of all the things that can go wrong during a pregnancy puts this pregnant lady on edge.
We went to Ultrasona and I have to say the office was fantastic. The room was almost spa like with a comfy place to lay, dimmed lights, and a clean environment (but not "sterile" feeling like a doctor's office). I almost expected to hear sounds of a waterfall or peaceful music lol. The ultrasound technician took her time with me, explained what she was seeing, and was very careful to not reveal the sex of the baby to me. I wanted to find out with Mr. Sharktank and the kids, so Sara was the only one to find out at that time.
That evening Mr. Sharktank came home and was
We also had baby MaryAnne's (that will be her name) anatomy scan this past week. All her measurements looked good and although we were hoping for some good pictures, all she would really let us see were her feet and stomach. The little baby just wanted to cover her face with her hands the entire time. We were lucky to get one good profile shot though.
MaryAnne's profile. I love cute baby noses!
Momma Sharktank at almost 23 weeks. This shirt has made it through three babies. I'm surprised it is still holding up!
In other Sharktank news... Matthew starts t-ball tomorrow. He has his first practice with his new team. Some of the players were on his soccer team, but we are hoping he enjoys this sport a bit more. We let him pick out his shoes, get a new bat, and Daddy took him out to practice last week when we had great weather. He really enjoys watching the Cubs games on television and seems to understand the purpose of the game, so we will see how it goes. Mr. Sharktank and I are praying that he does not want to quit and will at least give it his best effort and keep playing the entire short season.
Tomorrow starts our weekend of Easter celebrations. I am so thankful we have family and lots of kiddos to share the festivites with. I am sure our children will really enjoy hunting for eggs due to the beautiful weather we are suppose to have Saturday and Sunday!